Andrej Rumiantsev
MPI Corporation
No. 155, Chung-Ho St.
Chu-pei City, Hsinchu County 302
Taiwan, R.O.C.
Term expires: Jan. 2025
Andrej Rumiantsev received the Diploma-Engineer degree (with highest honors) in Telecommunication systems from the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics (BSUIR), Minsk, Belarus, and the Dr.-Ing. Degree (with summa cum laude) in Electrical Engineering from Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus, Germany, in 1994 and 2014, respectively.
He joined SUSS MicroTec Test Systems (from January 2010 Cascade Microtech) in 2001 where he held various engineering, product management and marketing positions. He significantly contributed to the development of the RF wafer probe, the |Z| Probe, wafer-level calibration standards, calibration software and probe systems. At Cascade Microtech, he was RF Probes Product Manager and, after successful completion of the SUSS/Cascade RF products consolidation, he joined Systems Business Unit in 2011. As Product Marketing Manager of Device Characterization for Modeling and Process Development he was responsible for Elite300 system product line. In March 2013, he joined Ulrich L. Rohde Chair for RF and Microwave Techniques at Brandenburg University of Technologies (BTU), Cottbus, Germany. Dr. Rumiantsev is currently with MPI Corporation, holding a position of Director of RF Technologies of the Advanced Semiconductor Test Division. His research interests include RF calibration and wafer-level measurement techniques for advanced semiconductor devices and related metrology aspects.
Dr. Rumiantsev is a member of the IEEE MTT-11 Microwave Measurements Committee and the ExCom member of Automatic RF Techniques Group (ARFTG). He is the past ExCom member and Chair of the Modeling and Simulation Sub-Committee of IEEE Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (BCTM), TPC member of BCICTS, past Technical Program Chair of ARFTG-92nd and ARFTG-93rd, the General Chair of ARFTG-94th and General co-Chair of ARFTG-96th conferenced. He is the Chair of IEEE MTT-S P2822 Working Group “Recommended Practice for Microwave, Millimeter-wave and THz On-Wafer Calibrations, De-Embedding and Measurements”.
He holds multiple patents in the area of wafer-level RF calibration and measurements techniques. Dr. Rumiantsev received the ARFTG-71st Best Interactive Forum Paper Award. His doctoral thesis was awarded as “Best Dissertation of 2014 at Brandenburg University of Technologies”.