Author instructions
ARFTG-105 Deadlines
Paper submission for TPC review
In order for your paper to be considered for inclusion in an ARFTG Conference, you must electronically submit an Abstract and paper Summary as described below by the publicized deadline:
- SUMMARY: A 1000-word minimum summary with supporting illustrations, figures, and tables must follow the Abstract. The Summary should explain the contribution and provide sufficient technical content and details to enable proper evaluation (see Criteria for Evaluation). Many authors submit their papers rather than a summary.
- ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION: Use the ARFTG template (see templates below) for initial summary submission and for final paper submission. PDF is the required file format. The maximum file size is 10 MB. The Abstract and the Summary must be submitted to the submission website (via paper submission tool).
Criteria for Evaluation
All authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by e-mail about two weeks after the abstract submission deadline. Accepted papers must be prepared and submitted on time for publication. Authors of accepted manuscripts must submit their final papers by following the instructions for authors of accepted papers:
Final Paper Submission
- Start early. Allow a few days in case you encounter hiccups in copyright or PDF compliance.
- Please use the ARFTG template in Word or Latex format to prepare your submission.
- Copyright transfer is required. You can and should do this before the PDF is final!
- Add the proper copyright notice as a footer at the left margin prior to converting to PDF. Contact if you have questions about this step.
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright
- For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is: (TBD)
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is: (TBD)
- For all other papers, the copyright notice is: (TBD)
If you change the Title, Abstract, or Authors from the accepted submission, be sure to update this information on the paper management site. This meta data is used in the conference program and digest table of contents.
No page numbers are allowed on your paper. Proofread your source document thoroughly and confirm that there are no page numbers or any other headers or footers other than the copyright notice.
Use PDF eXpress to convert your final paper or validate your conversion to PDF. The PDF eXpress conference code for the 105th ARFTG Conference is (TBD). The PDF eXpress service is open from (TBD).
Use the paper submission tool to upload your paper and answer the mandatory questions/certifications:
- ARFTG conferences are live and depend on the presentations given during their sessions, and discussion after the talks and in the breaks. Authors who fail to present their paper leave a gap in the program, which is unacceptable for the conference audience.
- The IEEE (the copyright holder of ARFTG papers) has implemented policies to exclude authors who do not present their paper from further distribution of their publication, such as exclusion from IEEE Xplore. Such papers will be archived at IEEE but will not be indexed or appear in IEEE Xplore.
- ARFTG balances the interests of a high-quality conference with fairness towards the authors and audience members. Therefore, ARFTG adheres to this policy, and will identify to the IEEE those non-presented papers that were in the conference digest. The IEEE may block these papers from IEEE Xplore.
- For each accepted paper, one author needs to register to attend the conference and present the paper in the assigned session (either oral or poster). Presenters should plan accordingly and receive needed approvals and travel authorization early.
- If a presenter encounters or anticipates unforeseen circumstances he/she should notify the technical program chair immediately. Once a paper has been included in the digest to be distributed at the conference, alternative actions become limited. Any alternative arrangements are at the discretion and approval of the technical program chair.